back from another camp, two camps actually- one was a day camp and another was this. This leadership camp was superb, the kids there had a lot of fun so did the trainers i believe.
X3me was the group i took and they are really a bunch of fantastic leaders. in this group, no one is an individual, to them wad is most important is the group. take for example, in order to meet the dateline and have more time for practice, the gals washed their hair under the sink. During their amazing race, when crossing the road, zaki would alwyas make sure that his group members reached their destination in safety, and er. meng would always be the last man, to cheer his group on,to ensure that his group members are in his sight.
though im their instructor but they never fail to make my job easy. i know that i can alwyas count on them to be safe and sound for withouth my saying, someone will lead the group in crossing the zebra crossing with their hands raised, thanking the drivers for stopping, thanking the pedestrains, policeman for their help.
even when the gals aint feeling well, they would never give up, they wanna go on and they have no fears when doing their tic for they noe that they can alwyas count on the guys to support them, they trust the guys to bring them in safety.
when in wrong, they are never ashamed to apologise. when asked to perform silly and stupif things like smerging oreo on their teeth, there were no complaints, they helped each other in one way or another, just like a family.
when their groupmate- my scouts guy- kian jiat was appointed the camp ic they stood by him, cheered him on, supported him, to make him feel less afraid, give him the support to make him feel better. though this bunch of kids had to be separated from their closed friends and work with ppl they have never worked before, feeling uncomfortable at the inital stage but in the end, they are a team.
im doing a grandma story now like wad my ahma- samantha would do, her reflection exceeded the one page that was given and her speech during debrief lasted for 20 mins, talking frm head to tail, frm the sun to the water, frm being dry to getting burnt and wet. but i cant help it for 've only more and more compliments for them.
this is the first time i ever hear a group cheer when they noe that they are cleaning the toilet. during the whole 10 mins that they were doing area cleaning, i was doing nothing, i just gave my instrcutions and throughout, i sat outside and wrote my replies for their reflections, my 2 leaders took charge. This group never fail to surprise me. i could smeell fragrance from outside, they took their own soap to wash the toilet, amazing and remarkable eh. now the toilet smell so nice that i think it only need a wash 2 months later. haha =)
im very proud of this group, their reflections never failed to touch my heart, i thank them and my student leader for their active participation, for their considerations, support, help ,understanding. for them just being themselves, having fun and their never say die atttitude. i know that they can predict wad i would say next. but i hope theyll carry on this kinda spirit through their leadership years.
for may pheng, zaki and harrison, i congratulate you for being the next exco and for the whole of group 3- the x3me, i congratulate you guys for being the CHAMPION GROUP!
all the best in you future endeavours,I LOVE YOU GUYS. =)
AMY; EUNICE; ALEX (my partner)
ive just returned frm camp- pioneer primary school. It was so much of fun, though the kids are a bunch of havoc, speaking in a language that's so alien to me but ive had loads of company in there, knowing a bunch of great people. The campfire was superb, you should have been there, the instructors chasing after the female teachers, the parents and principal joining in the dance.
though little accidents happened here and there, thrashing sessions and everything else but i guess there's always something that we can learn from it. Like what uncle jeffrey said, we cant prevent what's gonna happen, we cant twist and change fate but we can do our best to ensure that all safety measures have been done, being observant.
two more camps are coming up and i cant wait even though im supposed to be studying for my company paper tml.