Tuesday, May 22, 2007 Y 11:13 AM
i wanna speak of 2 stories today, one is with regards to the dream i had and the other is about a weird incident i encountered. both happened on the same day.
THE DREAMi dreamt about fat pig slashing me with a penknife, the cuts being deep and long with blood gushing out but there wasn any pain at all;weird aint it. 6 cuts in all, with 4 on my leg and 2 on my hand, kinda freaking huh. i mean if its any other person, its ok, its fat pig eh. haha
After which syaf came and find me. In that dream, she was my bestie. she accompanied me throughout as i narrated the whole story to her. But i didn know how did we end up participating in the 3-legged race.
I woke up after Kartika messaged me. a weird start with a funny ending.
THE INCIDENT.fat pig's phone died off yesterday thus he diverted all his calls to mine. on my way to tuiton, there was a call looking for him, that voice in the other line sounded very much like brother bear but that person wouldn tell me where he's calling from. i called back to realise that the number really belonged to FIT- BROTHER BEAR'S COMPANY.
thus i enquired about it and narrated it to him but he said that there were only 2 persons in the company, he and a female colleague, which means to say that no one made that call but that number is displayed on my phone. Its still there, inside my received calls.
now, the case is who made the call? haha.
Sunday, May 20, 2007 Y 9:00 PM
i haven been blogging for quite some time and now im returning with a super duper long post- all about whining about how hard life is, like im so pathetic.
but well, admist all that bad things, there's always one that is worth celebrating.
i went
SHOPPING yesterday with
PARTNER, after what seem ages and we were like women who just came out from the IMH. i am serious. we were looking at things that only guys would be very attracted to, and lamenting about each and every person on the streets and i met my sec sch frens. i didn noe until YUN HUI shouted my name. but e saddest thing is that i had forgotten to take a picture with partner. i haven stepped into p.s for quite some time and i was very much like a retard for everything there seems so ailen to me and i was fascinated by each and every new shop that i see.
ive been complaining about how efficient my favourite person is to tons and tons of people but i guess its something everyone would agree, ok, i might be exaggerating but youll soon come to realise. just imagine if someone does the following (combine them all)
- tells you the wrong thing, gives you the wrong information
- is fickle-minded. first he gives you task A then he denies and gives you task B when you were halfway there
- is stubborn, like super
- is blur..
- speaks an ailen language
- debates whether working day includes weekends and p.h when the screen shows it all
and the list goes on.. mayb tml i would be able to add in more ..
and lastly, MR NG _ _ _ _ _ _ _,
if you still have a heart or is not lazy, kindly return me what you should have returned TWO YEARS AGO. stop using those same stupid and lame excuses on different persons cos its useless. stop thinking that methods can be used twice cos humans are quite smart in case you didn know it. stop dragging and get it done. it doesn cause you anything to just return those stuff to me. i can go down and take it too if you could gladly stop those lame shit.
Sunday, May 13, 2007 Y 11:57 PM

people say we look alike and my cousin was saying today that normally that child that looks like the mother would be the one who caused the most heartache to her. i think its true to a ceertain extent, though i look like her but my character is not any like hers. she's quite old-fashioned in her thinking but she's super understanding.
she knows that we're off different generations thus she gives and take. she's super forgiving and she trust her kids wholeheartedly. calls that she gif not seeing her kids at home are annoyance to us but to her, she just wanna make sure you're safe, after which, she wont bother anymore.
she would always be the one supporting us, in any other way, when we collapse and fall, she's there to give her support, when my sister have her competition, she very much wanna go down and give her support but knowing that her presence would be a pressure to my sister, she would just say words of encouragement, messaging her before she go for her matches, overseas trips.
whenever we are beaten by him, she'll always stand up for us, protecting us from every pain. she always smiles on the outside, whether she's happy or not, and swallow her tears herself, jsut because she doesn want anyone to worry for her. no matter what people have done to her, how much pain she has endured, ultimately, she'll still smile and fogive that person. she's an optimistic lady.
at times, when we upset her, say awful words to her she would just smile and take it as a joke but deep inside, we know she's heartbroken. she understands us inside out, when im agitated, she'll seek help frm others and leave me alone to think, to ponder, to cool down. no matter how angry she gets, she'll never beat her kids nor chide them in any harsh tone.
she's the greatest mum you can ever find.
i still remembered the words she said to me after somethign drastic happen. she said this, no matter what happens, youve nothing to fear, even if the place is filled with unhappiness, youll still be fine, for you've mummy, u've ur siblings, people whom u can trust and protect you.
to her, we're her everything but to us, mummy, youre our everything. thank you for all that youve done to us, we can never do enough to repay your love towards us. you wont be reading this nor understand those words but mum, forgive me for my stubborness and the times i've made u upset, i love you mum. =)
Tuesday, May 08, 2007 Y 12:58 AM
i gave my brother a shock today when i told him that my head was bleeding and showed him this tissue paper filled with blood stains. but the bleeding came from a bursted pimple when my comb accidentally brushed against it, quite stupid ar, ok, its damn stupid.
im down sick, with a cold and an oncoming fever, plus a sorethroat, how nice is that kinda feeling.
i saw the programmers today, with their sl t-shirts on, helping out in the vibrant life. i dunno why but i dont have the feeling of wanting to go up to them and say hi, it sounds bad, but still, i am just afraid of the response ill get in return. somehow, the bond then would not be carried forward till today, those laughters, tears, and everything else ended then.
that's exactly how i feel. everything has changed. Many are gonna say that the people are still who they are or im plainly thinking too much but i reckon its a fact that everyone has to accept. Just look like all the status , is either busy or away, everyone has dispersed, into their own busy life, yet another chapter of their own.
i hate to admit but i detest that silence - that was the reponse.
whenever results are released, you would hear a commotion, all around you, people are asking about each other's results. when your each home, parents would compare results with her fren's child or her nieces, nephews, its not good to have cousins of your age you know?
im the lucky one who doesn but like any other person,ive been thru all those stages that now i believed that process is more important than the end result. No doubt, some people are born smart, its in their blood, in their dreams but there are others who can outshine when they work doubly hard.
i still remembered those times when mummy would come back with loads of gossips, the most hilarious one, is to even haf to report that my cousin, then he was pri 2 scored an egg for his chinese ting xie. the first reponse was a "huh", its like its a fact that its quite easy to score full marks by just practising and memorising.
but in my family its like the most sizzling gossip would reach your ears the very day the incident happen, it explains why im such a KPO now huh. haha.
back to where i was, there are times or rather ive been slacking for so many times that being dilligent seems ailen to me, perhaps its due to my not liking this kinda system, that kinda study method, btu wadevr the reason may be, those are just excuses. when i turn back and look at myself, i realised there's loads of regrets, those things about "if only".
but the past is over, its too late to ponder over it, thus let's just look at the present. im trying, im learning still, like anyone else.
if you believed that youve done ur best, nothing else matters, that applies to you my kids as well, ill be proud of each and everyone of you, no matter what ur result may be. =)
Thursday, May 03, 2007 Y 11:30 PM
little by little i take
step by step i walk
with hestitation,
feeling insecure.
not wanting to turn the knob
not wanting to hearthe commotion inside.
do check this out.
http://wongted.blogs.friendster.com/teds_blog/a special dedication to my mum by my bro, beautifully written, a work that ive never seen him done before. i didn even noe that my bro will start blogging ar.
reading his entry makes me wanna shout this out:
thank you fat pig, for everything and everything. =p