Monday, April 30, 2007 Y 3:00 AM
Thursday, April 26, 2007 Y 12:21 AM
do memories flow back into your mind, when you pass by a familiar place, when you see a familiar thing? i had tt feeling when i bought a puzzle book at the popular two days ago. it brings me back to the times where hong, eric, kat and i would play spot the difference together. it may seem like a boring, childish game, but its always these little things that leave behind wonderful memories.
things might have changed, whether we'll meet again is yet another thing altogether. whatever it is, the process is much more important than the ending. at least, ive had precious memories that i kept till date.
sometimes i wished time could stay still, then we needn miss the old and welcome the new. its like a vicious cycle, when you step into a new phrase, you gotta let go of something and accept something new.
pardon me for feeling ambivalent now.
( i just deleted a long paragraph, i've no idea why. )
and my point from the long long essay which i wanna express is that, sometimes, some people are just not your cup of tea, no matter how hard you try to befriend them.
Monday, April 23, 2007 Y 12:01 AM
20th april 2007 marks the end of everything, sl camp, tea party and the orientaion. no doubt it has ended but memories stays. i seem like the most heartless person there, being calm and cool during the last nite but still, im grateful to each and every programmer for their guidance, understanding tolerance, and love. i thank god for bestowing them into my life, they added yet another set of colours, left yet another set of footprints.
its not easy for a group of people with different thinkings, personalities to come together,bearing with each others nonsense, opening up to one another, like one big family. making blunders there, running off earlier, coming in late- they were used to it, its my irresponsibility but yet they respected it with no complaints, no nothing.
thanks for you guys just being you, for anything and everything.
i miss you guys and i love ya guys. =)
Tuesday, April 17, 2007 Y 11:31 PM
i feel so lost suddenly, when this person A asked me for the contacts of 3 other ppl,. B, C, D. initially i tot he was another of my fren thus i asked the reason for im afriad the others might mind but it turned out that i had mistaken him for another guy. and his response made me stood dumbfounded. he said."
er.. this kinda thing oso must report to you? just wnana ask them sumthing:" we are a team, i tot we were, thus i tot we're supposed to be open, i doubt there's anything to hide if we were a team but i guesed perhaps im too simple-minded.
to me, i feel that its a me-to-you kinda thing instead of a me-to-everyone kinda thing. sometimes, lost in the conversations, in my own world cos no updates were made, its just like a react on ur feet kinda thingy.
perhaps the only together thing i feel is taking instructions together, crapping, doing nonsensical stuff which i personally feel aint enuff, i dont feel part of it. a very simple eg is like lets say, the whole team is supposed to wear this particular top but some of them were not informed. its a form of outcast a feel and we start questioning, fingers starts pinpointing.
i tot the least is to ask the whole team instead of just a few here and there, perhaps there are reasons, perhaps, there's this and that. but still. i dunno, perhaps ive never worked in this kinda environment before and the perhaps continues. but its just a piece of my tot.
Saturday, April 14, 2007 Y 12:40 AM
today was a crazy day. its been so long since i went that crazy, having tuition one after another. but ah beng really drove me nuts today. just imagine ok, this kid that youve been teaching for quite sometime suddenly had moodswing.
he had practically gone bonkers la. things to prove my point.
- he was lying his head on the table
- then he was humming this weird song
- then he was flaring up; saying that he doesn wanan do work and haf tuition
- lastly, he collapsed on his bed.
- i said to tell his mum, and his reply was, at most he'll get canning.
had a talk with his mummy through sms, she herself is worried cos this the age when kids start to turning astray. but then the reasons are the usual ones, parents not spending adequate time with their childrening, pampering them too much, we cant deny that for this is the 21st century. to kids, canning them to they bleed, screaming, shouting at them, controlling them wont make them any better. it just makes them wanna rebel more.
sometimes i find myself lost somwhere, as though we cant keep up with the current pace, and as if we've no idea why things can happen and change so fast. i cant help but think, when my time comes, what will happen then? will i react the same way or would there be another form of style?
besides that, kids nowadays absorb more knowledge than in the past. now, i find myself beign interesting in touching the encyclopedia, when i used to abhor it. mayb its an influence frm my kids. looking at them studying with much pleasure, as if its another hobby to them makes me feel like touching them once more to amend for all those that ive lost.
why dont u feel like talking to me when you know it all? i'm still me and you're still you, we can still talk like normal. i didn noe tt you aint aware of it. if there's a nd, ill apologise.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007 Y 7:28 PM
im blogging because mr. keagen claimed that i should be doing so as it rusted for 10 days. the last event that i had i believe is the SL CAMP. but i break camp a day earlier due to unforseen circumstances, or rather i met somethings tt i shdn have and it gt me freaked out. you've to understand that im not a very courageous gal.
i shall skip the long story bout the camp but go into detail about all the new frens in the committe itself.
WESLEY- he's the head but yet he doesn portray that arrogance or anything of that sort. he's more like a fren and a crapping partner, he can just make a joke out of himself out of no where and end up being super high. but perhaps its due to his inexperience that he sometimes get nagged at here and there.
MUD- he's supposed to be tt doc bobo but somtimes his stuff are too lame tt ppl dun catch it yeah and this is his catch phrase, i trust my programmers.
KEAGEN- its supposed to be GAN but nvm. he's a fattie, and i think he'll get bash when he say tt he is cos he act is not, he's just a glutton who cant stop eating, that's something that everyone knows of. and he's a very nonsensical person, you wont see him without a smile whatever happens and he's always the one to get sabo. but on the whole, he's quite nice a person to tok to.
BRAYAN- he's called the wonderbra. and yeah, when fun runs into the head of this guy, he forgets bout everything else. and i just feel tt when he's serious, he's still laughing and smiling about. oh and he doesn like ppl to ask him why cos he would be dumbfounded. he's the favourite in the whole commitee. with him around, youll haf tons of rubbishy stuff going on. and i had a tiny little conflict with him during the camp but now, we're sisters. =) and he always leaves me out, not fair. haha.
XUAN- the super duper cute and blur gal with her own style and personality. if you get to know her well enough, youll realise that she is very knoweledgable and innocent. im not sure if that's the correct word but being with her, youll get a very relaxed feeling for she is super easy going and amiable. she's the bubbly, optimistic gal and it was her who talked to me thru when i had the unhappy experience. =)
LIPING- the very sweet and the super duper "sotong" gal. she always get teased by the programmers and she will just laugh it off after that. she's quite slow ar, frankly or mayb slow. haha. she's one where ppl will fall for her at first sight and one whom ppl can rely on i feel. though blur but she's the one who teaches everyone the dance hor.
MICHELLE- at first sight, youll deem her as a super shy and quiet but its the antithesis of who she really is. she goes high and i mean very high at every other thing, and she loves taking photographs if i aint wrong. she's super active and a joy to be with for she'll lift your moods up and make u smile once more, make u feel lky joining her. and she is always the one with scandals with this and that. =)
GERALD- he's one super quiet but super cute guy. dun just look at the surface of things,m he can lead, he can instruct and he can lame and joke with you bout every single thing. best thing, he's my partner in teasing liping. haha. =)
SALLY, ADELINE,MEI YAN- the INSEPARABLES- the gals who will work and really work. as in, when assigned a task, theyll gif in her best, quiet but very efficient in doing work. who say quiet gals cannot function?
SAMANTHA; CHERYL- they are each others' precious things. experienced leader who gets ready for every situation about to arise, though easily stressed but they are still very fun people to be with. look at their smiles, it'll make you smile. and the funniest thing is, cheryl will always get it when it comes to super random and super er weird photos. haha. but we still enjoy it all. they are like big jie jie's to us. not forgetting they are the ones who took over cluedo all by themselves.
KENGKEE; KANNAN- when they two are together, you'll get stiches cos they will make you laugh and laugh non-stop, they'll make a fool of themselves, imitate this person and that, making all those girly voices, trying out heels and all sorts. they are the entertainments of this whole team. keng kee is a very nice person to work with, though playful but he'll do work when he is asked to. =)
FUAD; KAI- i dun really noe them but fuad's one guy that i have to thank as during the camp he was the one who helped me for my station either because we were unavailable or because we got not enuff manpower. though graduated and busy with work but yet they still came and joined us as a TEAM. not given the title or name but still, he's part of us, sharing his experience and contributing in every way he could. and ya, he's like stick to BRAYAN. haha
PEARLLYN- she's the gal whom we always use her name for the fazzi- wazzi game. and she's a gal with her own stand, perspective, a very strong personality i would say. she's also one of the nice gals to tok to, well, everyone there is nice, i would say.
KAIQI- she's one super small girl, but excuse me, i think she is stronger than any other guy can. you would never believe that she used to be NCC madam can. she's one very nice person to be with, thank you for staying with me thruout then. she's a happy and blessed gal oso. haha. she is capable of things that others are not capable of. though not there very often but the ideas she contribute is superb and the min she is there, everything seems so free and easy. she'll always be the one to initiate to get work done. doesn she deserve the credits?
ALTHEA- the newly appointed assistants. she's super nice to be with can and she's super shy with camera. haha. but she's super efficient. when it comes to work, she'll gif you in every detail but admist the work, we'll all haf fun, just like the 21 by 5, do u rem? haha. and youl always hear her shouting my name cos im always disturbing her. haha
to them all;
THANK YOU;for you guys just being you
for all the experience that you guys haf shared
for all the fun, love, joy that we had
for helping me with my station
for bearing with my nonsense
for everything else that needs to be thanked.
SORRYfor leaving a day earlier
for the troubles ive caused
for everything else that needs to be apologied.
Sunday, April 01, 2007 Y 12:52 AM
could you please stop gving us last minute information? the thing is like tml and you are like telling us now? and plese do note that there are wet game involved and think bout the welfare of your commitee. i dont dislike you but i just dont agree with the way you handle the group, perhaps its due to inexperience or anything. but still.
and i dunno what im doing eh,its tml and ive yet to start packing and i got loads to do. tml is a day of rushing and more rushing. and let's all enjoy the camp then. =)
im sorry for not being able to help out. and an advance thanks to bryan and fuad who are going to do up my station cos my partner wont be there. thanks to jian liang oso for helping out and having to cause urself a headache.