Saturday, March 31, 2007 Y 3:27 PM

Y 1:52 AM
upset + upset = UPSETS more and so much more. perhaps somethings are never meant to be understood, seems like everytime u try to make known, you gotta hold them back for others haf much more impt stuff than to hear ur explanation. so its just waiting. im whacked; and i think im falling sick. but what if suddenly, there's an emergency?so ill choose to wait.
Monday, March 26, 2007 Y 10:24 PM
the idea of this entry came bout when i was teaching ah beng just now
his results went from a pass to a fail again but yet he thinks nothing of it, worries nothing about it even when he is taking his PSLE this year. i mean, yeah, its nothing, like failing is no big deal but when you passed that stage and reach another level in life, youll realise that all those "no big deals" actually mean a lot.
no doubt, its every mother's desire to pamper their children, to make sure that they have the best of the world but not to the extent of giving them too much freedom. let's take ah beng for example, he's a pampered child, he gets all he wants and all that he doesn want, all that he hasn seen or heard before, going on hols every hols but on the other hand, he has 3 tutors, with all days packed with tuition after sch remedials.
e reason why his mum gave him 3 tutors was that its a very important year for him but it doesn help at all, his eyes are always hooked to the television and all the computer games, like seriously. before lesson, u see his eyes glued to the tv, after lesson, u see him flying out to watch the tv, the parents intention are good but is it taking him to the rite path, i wonder.
and becos he's just a kid who sees nothing but the tv, its really hard to make him realise how impt this yr is for him. all that he learnt since young is all gone. i was apalled to see him forgetting what is the units for area today. but he hasn gif up, so no one shd gif him up. perhaps one day he'll understand it all which i hope, he aint stupid, in fact, he's a smart boy but his laziness takes over him and his interest dies away on hearing english.
within these few months, i hope and pray tt he'll set his priorities rite. its not a pressure, perhaps its a push but only with the intention that he'll not do things he'll regret in future, all these is cos, i've been thru tt stage. that's this this bout kids, they'll either make u love them so, that wadever wrong they do, ull just feel like siding them, pampering them or make u hate them to the core.
another interesting thing. when i was walking under this block of flats, i heard this woman screaming" you zhong ni bei .. ni zhe ge za zhong". i think no matter what one has done, nobody should be scolded that, all kids are born by their parents, are their parents darlings.
every human makes mistake and every human deserve a rite to be treated like a human, a mistake today doesn mean that tt mistake will be made for life. to constantly insult them, it'll make them feel much worse aint it? humans do change, given that chance and space, that's what i feel.
and last thing for today.
IM EXCITED BOUT TML. for if all goes well, ill get to see
ANDY, im a little insane of him but he's simply adorable, you'll get to noe why.

now u get it.

Friday, March 23, 2007 Y 10:18 PM
im back from a coporate camp, actually, it wasn much of a camp but more of belaying the adults. they had this amazing race thingy but i dun quite understand how they do it but its interesting watching adults do all stunts and entertaining themselves.
call me anything but that's the first time i belayed and watch adults try out all the high elements. you see those excited once trying it again and again, you see those spectators cheering them on and they were doing some "advertisement" asking them to call and support, imitating the charity show. it was all out of fun, with no offence.
to try out the stations, they would put on shoes that doesn belong to them and start blabbering about how terrified they are and so forth but the next minute, u see them climbing down like a spiderman.
its hard to imagine that these working adults still have camps organised for them, for leisure, just so that everyone has a day off and join in the fun. but i guess the most enlightening thing is, that kinda spontaneous attitude, that kinda bond they have is not what you can see in the outside world these days.
to them, its not whether they completed not, but whether their colleagues tried and had as much fun as they did. there's no what pushing about kinda thingy but only volunteerism. and one even used "breakfast" as a tve reinforcement to cheer their teammate on.
adults aint just adults who have their own life and forget bout everything else. it just all depends on choices i guess. its never too old to try out anything. if someone can prove you wrong, why not get yourself to prove urself wrong? =)
* im sounding like we're all old people who've wasted out youth. haha.
and the world is just so small. i met a new friend today while doing the camp and she just stays opposite me, which means that, i wont be late for camps anymore if she is going. haha. =)
Thursday, March 22, 2007 Y 11:13 PM
there's camp tml but yet im home, not packing but pondering over whether i should stay over for the camp.
im supposed to only do belaying for the first day, which is tml but since ive nothing better to do, why not go for the full 3 days but there's loads of considerations to consider now that im kinda sick.
if i go for the camp, itll be real troublesome, but if i dont go for the camp, it'll be super boring for me ar. would i choose my kids over camp or camp over tuition? in less than 24 hrs, ive to report but im still considering. when will i have the conclusion soon?
mayb i should just flip a coin but im forbided by serena to do so, and she still wanted to go for a movie tml eh. haha.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007 Y 10:46 PM

Y 2:18 AM
've been feeling weird lately; after since i came back frm the camp. it seems as though 've lost a little of courage and confidence which is like so contradicting from what im supposed to gain after the camp ar. i cant explain it to make anyone understand. haha. " dun think too much la". its become such a cliche but ive a query, how do you exactly apply that phrase?
its like easier said than done ar. i think that sentence is said like as a minimal help to be given to the person seeking help ar. but i doubt it helps to any extent for its just a mere sentence. but ive to agree that no matter what, the little comfort ought to be appreciated. at least there's that one sentence better than nothing aint it?
but anywae, im feeling so whacked lately. meetings from early mornign to evening and thur's gonna be such a hectic day. meeting from 8 a.m till like late late at night, not 7,8 or 9 but i think 10p.m? that's like 14 hours non-stop? but i guess business is so much better than idling, wasting my time around ar since my kids are on a holiday trip.
and 've a super long minutes and description to be typed and submited by tml afternoon and so far ive only touched on like 3 agendas? so much whining going on but still; ill complete it. the committee's all giving their best for this to make sure that the camp would only be a success. =)
its weird without my sister by my side. it sounds wrong but that's the case. she say its freezing cold there and i await her arrival. its like another 4 days more to go? and lastly the results are coming out soon. ive no comments about that, think it'll be ok? i hope so. =)
bon voyage, hc. =)
Friday, March 09, 2007 Y 11:24 PM
i'm back again.
but this time from fushun pri sch camp. i love e kids in my group to bits- SELF-CONTROL. they are so naive, so adorable though naughty. they'll go super high with all those high elements and games but not when you ask them to follow ur instructions.
they are a group make up of different personalities, like super duper different. having conflicts is something that is like normal but yet, ull be amazed at the wya they cheer for each other when accomplished a task, when their mates are performing a task.
i shall give a super duper gd example; bryan. he was the appointed leader of the group, though he didn earn the respect of his mates but he will not let go, but continue to make an effort to make the team work together. he's real fun to ahve when u can coomunicate with him; though at times u cant stand his "one man show". but later on, he understands and seeks the understanding of his mates and they excel as a group.
he cried before doing abseiling cos he was afraid of heights but later on, he did it, the reason he gave was, he felt real good and believed tt he can do it for his mates for rooting for him, believeing in him. after which he went for a second round and became the first to volunteer for all high elements.
nothing is impossible so long as you believe you can. when you cant, you must. challenge yourself to greater heights. there's no word as T-R-Y.
their campfire item i think was a hit, al-fifth was super duper cute. he came up with the dance steps and lead the group along, youll se those little kids shaking, dancing, shouting their cheer with power and might, and there's only one feeling for them- PROUD.
i shall not go on telling long stories; wait for the pictures to come and ull noe how adorable they are. 'm seriously deprived of slp and having a blister from the belaying. to end this whole story; i thank god for bestowing the kids ; brother bear for the opportunity and all the other instuctors. it was fun having you guys.
there's a so called amzing reace thingy ml at singapore river and tt's the reason i cant go for belaying. i shall soon turn into a roasted chicken frm allt he tanning in the sun but the experience, fun is worth the while.
reading you entry doesn need you permission for its an open thing.
you dont have to read mine cos i never say i wanted you to.
saying anything is my freedom
since you dont bother; then you dont have to care bout wad i tell others; or listen to anything.
hate me; ive long accepted that; what's next.
this time; im nt bothered and affected by your entry; that's your feelings for your post; youre entitiled to. truth or a lie; who knows?
pin me down to the bottom; if it makes you feel better.
and lastly; this is the last time; im blogging somethign with regards to you. and no worries, no one will bother you nor your frens anymore.
sorry for all the trouble.
and all the best to my sister who's flyin tml. gd luck. =)
Friday, March 02, 2007 Y 3:47 PM
this post is specially dedicated to my new found fren; darren.
initially, my impression of him wasn at all good but then i realised it was all i miunderstanding. i had mistaken him. instead,he's quite a gentlemen, on the note that he offered to send us back at such a late hour when he could have gone back and rest. though he's words are filled with "thorn" but i guess by nature hes not at all bad.
i apologise for everything. and thanks for everything. the mr look alike of mr boon and mr 2 5-cent coin. now he has a new nickname. =)