Wednesday, February 28, 2007 Y 11:17 PM

im so in love with him; his daddy asked me to wait for 15 yrs. =)
all papers are over and done with; that itself is one thing that calls for celebration. can start throwing all books aside. the results, lets just wait and see. what's up next is meetings after meetings, tuition after tuition and camps. it doesn have to wait. some gold challenge at ntu starts of everything.
another 10 more days and my sis would be off to korea for her competition, lets hope all turns well for her. i think its real cool ar. let's recap on my past schedule.
new yr celebrations are no different from any other year, just that we go visiting later and later and return home later than ever. like we went visiting at 1 a.m the first day? that's my parents for you, the slow coaches. stayed over at serena's place and had loads of fun listening to the crap that her colleagues bring about. and coincidentally, we saw a guy that look lky her colleague who always get bullied by her. haha.
then it was preparation for exams and everything else. and some clique came over my place on one of the days, its an impromptu thing, some night session gambling, just as my parents were bout to head out. how interesting. following suit was jus tuition and more tuition as my kids were having their exams.
and i just returned home frm bringing my cousin to the library and had the first experience ever with adults, i mean her mummy, i cant explain it but yeah. haha.
entries are meant to be plain without pictures. =)
Monday, February 26, 2007 Y 4:00 AM
i jus saw something tt made me smile.
the first smile of the day.
its nice to know of.
i wished he/she will make u smile;
now till forever.
smile on. =)
Y 1:45 AM
i initially started rambling here but later deleted it, now im back here, with the intention to complete my "desired" post. the cobwebs are arising but this post shall be messages and messages. haha.
my weekend students are the most pitiful batch of students. time and again i never fail to not wake up and make it in time for tuition, tried means and ways to fit in nite weekday slots for them but there doesn seem to be a solution. mayb i should start applying wad sheena said"mind over matter".
to mud; im real sorry today. but i really had something impromptu to attend to. i know u wont be seeing this, but still, sorry. the no. of missed calls and un-replied messages.
ice; the setences; i just remembered ive somethign to do at home just reminds me of what she said, she've something to attend to, its a last min thing. e funniest thing, is those words were asked to convey to u but nt directly to me, mayb, i aint a human to her. but still. im such a person tt she have to put lies across when she is a person who abhors liars.
rtd; we've been frens since i dunno when and known each other inside out. there's nothing tt i cant tell you bout but now, i guess things are different. i know something happen in between to break this bond somewhat but then i realise, im tired of trying. the no. of times i asked is the no. of times i get the rejection. if she's the one asking, perhaps or rather i gaurantee it will be different. i abhor ur gutlessness, u're 19 my dear, be confident of every of ur move and step. dun tell me u cant for i see u rise so high up. once said towait but still u went ahead. let's be honest, we all know the reason behind the hastily you. but are u going a bit over? im whining but who cares?
you; mayb ive finally understood tt being strangers is the best route of it all. every coldness, every atttitude make the tears fall lky anything. i dunno why things turn out this way, i know u aint gonna bother for perhaps i shd haf seen it coming. blame me; hate me. yesterday i had a real beautiful dream but i know it will never happen in reality. the greatest regret in my life is losing you, i mean it. now we aint even frens, ive lost a confidant totally. i thought we'll still remain close, good frens but seems lky i was wrong. it was only wishful thinking on my part. im sorry for everything tt has happened. no matter how hard i try, perhaps, ill never be able to bring you back. mayb ure rite, this is my retribution. i nd no pity, no nothing. i dunno what will u feel, reading this, perhaps more hatred but those are merely the truth.
i await that miracle. trust. hope. pray.
Thursday, February 15, 2007 Y 12:38 AM
'm nt a bet for you two to bet on.
'm nt a toy for you to play around with.
know the limitations;
dun go beyond the border
no matter how close are we
no matter how long we've been frens.
there's a rite time for everything.
stop match-making me with whoever.
it aint fun at all.
and stop thinking tt you're an extra
cos tt thinking is real stupid.
where's tt reliance then?i nd it rite badly.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007 Y 5:16 PM
i can never get to study at home. it's full of distraction at home. after studying a chapter of conveyancing, here i am hitting the keyboard when the test is rite tml. i havent the faintest idea but there's this weird feeling when reading for the test, i'll know tt feeling tml.
chinese new year is lky round the corner but the atmosphere doesn feel rite, the feeling aint there at all. it seems lky another day, with the sun rising and setting. not much of a discrepancy and 've been shunning home as much as i can so that i wont have to tidy my room and everything, but lky always said, how long can i shun?
Monday, February 05, 2007 Y 11:42 PM
on 4th Feb 2007; we celebrated serena's bday. a whole chain of surprised planned out for her; namely human treasure hunt and she was asked to do all sorts of embarrassing things. but a good sport, she accomplished all task, even the one bout lying on the ground at cathay in public. my dearest, we hope uve enjoyed this day as much as we did. may all ur dreams and wishes come true. hope its been a memorable bday for ya. im sure u noe tt WE ALL LOVED YOU. =) this post is specially dedicated to you.
presenting to you; ms SERENA GOH!

he's the one who took over my postion; cheng en.

they claim tt's the first time he has his teeth shown;
for he's alwyas known to act cool.
and he doesn say bye when ending a phonecall.
that's the first time he try and seem interested in taking a picture.
dar; dear.

thanks for being there for long nicholas;
them; the colours of my life;
dine; eunice.

and that's the result;
plucking the strawberry out;
that's her; the bday gal.

she was touched to tears as her family appeared there;
she didn expected this;
her cake;

she just noe how to look pretty even with a blindfold.

we're supposed to be er, i dunno what. haha

chuanlian and her partner;

dickson; geraldine.

wonder how she can still smile so sweetly when all blindfolded;

so they took advantage of her.

she didn noe what's happening.

then she was blind folded all the way frm far east to amk.
the centre of attention.

that's the end product. let's hope the guy's gf doesn see this. haha

this's the worst of it all; she gotta get a passerby to apply lipgloss and kiss her;

partner and me;
we were there yest; and here we are again.

me and chuan lian; my playmate since young

serena chew; luoer; geraldine;
guess whose the oldest there.

diva? more lky a i dunno what. haha

and this is chou chou;

oh; tt's supposed to be a falcon. does it look lky?

i cant rem what's this place but i reckon everyone's wonderign whose the weirdo there.

she was supposed to pose accordin to the shop name; and this happens to be OMG.

yet another one;

the incomplete group; serena; u noe we all loved you.

the almost impossible scene;

task accomplished!

she was asked to get passer-bys to wished her happy bday with restictions to usage of words.
but she cheated; she gt our sec sch mates who happened to go shopping.

dickson; the goh brothers; xuan ming

geok leng; nat; luoer

having to do a catwalk at leftfoot;

she was asked to take a pic with the god of fortune; but her handsign seems wrong.


jye shing; dickson;luoer while serena goes for her wheelchair ride.

dickson; me. the adorable guy.

posting for the other camera man;

she gt herself on a wheelchair as a bday gift frm e outsiders; cool aint it?

while waiting for her to dig ppl out frm cathay;

her first task; post a constipated look;

we were waiting for so long tt even the cubicle's a place for photographs.
p.s: i didn realise that im the oldest until daniel asked me how they are related to me. haha.
here are the clues we gave serena; can try solving them. =)
meet us at half past 3 when red merges with purple. when reached go two storeys up to where you'll go when nature calls.
congrats on solving your first clue. its far from over though, make your way down to the mall entrance of this mall. let's say you wanna catch a movie in this vicinity. it's not in this mall, not cine, where do you go?
what did we say bout keeping ur previous clues? when there, find pooh bear.
WISH for a cuppa coffee MA?
you didn like him then; you still didn like him now.
now for the last destination; let's go on a road trip. be a good sport and be a blind mice for today.
Sunday, February 04, 2007 Y 1:58 PM
skipped class on fri. it was the most irritaing and vexing day hat ive had. im supposed to be out but er, i shd post this before i go prepare myself eh.
dun understand why you gt so pissed off when i didn reply your question on fri. there's so many ppl out there, who knows who youre toking to. and for goodness sake, dun take me as a dumbo. and he's nt your dog whom u can command here and there. and lastly, im nt a woodblock, dumbass. i can speak, mind you. so dun insult and scold me tt way.
hc: somethings are never meant to be explained. what happened then is a past and i wan no mention bout it, lets not gp ponder bout everything. leave it to be ar. and do rem tt some decisions, only you are capable off. we can gif yout he advices but everything else, uve to follow your heart and decide for yourself.
to you, im nothing worth than a mistake in ur life aint. understood and accepted.
there's conveyancing tml and im er, no where near my final destination, nt to mention the assignment due tml. how interestin and by the time i reach home tonite, its bedtime. we'll see how it works frm here. gonna be packed once the semester ends, i choose it this way, to make my life all hectic. its easier to forget i guess.
sometimes, when u pass by someway familar or see familiar faces; you just cant help and think.