Wednesday, November 29, 2006 Y 10:33 PM
what a rite time when all crashes in all.
walking in the dark; no one knows what happen. passerbys come and go but how u wished someone could stay to walk u thru. at least it wont be so bad.
pretedence; carry on with it, all the way thru. fine; nt fine. it doesn matter anymore.
its all bout time.
if u dun feel lky coming home;den dun ever come back again
dun take this place as ur hotel;and come and go at ur own leisure.
she's been great, remarkable;i wonder how she endure it all
but tt doesn gif you the rite to vent everything on her.
she's nt ur venting machine; mind you.
grow up a little wont you.
u're happier this way. im fine with it.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006 Y 12:42 AM
today's been a great day though in the midst of it, there's regrets. thank you for making my day. sometimes i wish i was just courageous enough to not follow the crowd and make my own stand but im just too afraid of loneliness. it hasn been happening once but time and again. always i turn back and ask myself why didn i but there and then; its far too late. i really wished there's someone as closed to me; then all these wouldn happen but it wont happen.
im addicted to "spot the difference" . whether its played via the machine or in the book; its just fun. been doing loads of puzzles today when im supposed to be doing my tutorial but nvm, at least it stimulates my brain. everyone's stressed up; work is piling up; projects due and everything's due here and there but i dun find myself getting worked up or putting an extra effort to make it rite. either im too tired or my body cant take it.
conveyancing's a mystery to me. though all the deliverables seems ok and all but im lost somewhere somehow or mayb ive never understand it frm the start. and i noe ive been troubling our tutor loads with all those questions tt seem stupid and all. though queries are answered, im still lost, dun get the whole at all. nvm, ill figure it out, someday.
loads been happening lately; whether its happening to me myself or the people around me. u'll jsut feel the way they do naturally for they are too close to u. ive been real blunt towards her, showing all my irritateness and all but u werent like tt in the past. why so this time round then? getting urself stuck in all these, do u noe how much we worry everytime u say u are tearing; everytime u say this has happened, tt has? ure much more worthwhile. love urself more can, take it as a plea frm me. dun lose urself cos of tis. get back on track, i hope ull.
the least and only thing i can do is to listen to the voices tt comes. nt having been able to do anything, im sorry. tml might nt be a better day but a better tml will come. do smile. there'as always a reason for u to smile. alwyas and always. =)
Monday, November 13, 2006 Y 12:41 PM
been long since i updated this and my twiny's chasing me for more ages. cant help it, she's just too obessed with my everything. haha. let's see.
past week been hectic, with e real project released, ve been typing loads of letter, training my typing skills ar. but most of the time, ill be stuck. conveyancing's just not my cup of tea. few days ago, as i lay on bed, images of plmgs, my previous kid float out of my mind, kinda missed her, still feeling guilty towards her,wondering how's she been and all.
and frm next week onwards, ive to travel to bukit batok, think ill just rot. but then again, seeing those kids, the laughter, the joy, it'll just make u feel that everything's worth it. mayb i can go find my husband-sheena there. haha.
time's gonna past by real fast, three more weeks and its mid-sem test. then two weeks of break where i will be overseas, where ppl are celebrating christmas here, im nowhere to be seen.
weekend's been out and out, sat's been out roaming round the streets and all. though somethings happen in between, but lets nt tok bout it, after all,its a past and everything's fine and settled for now. dinner was fine, like usual, ive been having loads and loads, by next week, think ill be gaining few more kilos. what's more, i dun exercise.
my comment for tt day: one shd learn how to respect oneself and the public. =)
sunday's out at carmen's bbq. think she's been a poor thing,running here and there. think i was the most relaxed person there, sitting there, waiting to be serve. perhaps the only thing i did was to smile for the shoots. haha. i did poke my the chicken wings thru though most of the time, i get myself pricked. and tt's the eveer first time i see her so shy jus cos of a little surprise. and the dumbest thing is, ive forgotten to get the candle when i take the cake. some sotong am i.
alrites. twiny's chasing me out for lunch. and tt dumb her forgotten to bring her notes; thus i shall be nice enuff to accompany her to skip class. be touched k, my twiny.
i reckon im of unsound mind when i type this entry, thus forgive me if u ive gt u crazy. =)