Sunday, September 10, 2006 Y 11:49 PM
life's full of wonders. everytime you walk on the street, u'll find interesting sights tt captures ur attention which leads ur mind to thinkings.
saw this sight of a blind man trying to board the bus. every step tt he takes brings bout heartaches and worries. its dangerous, far too dangerous but at the same time, u admire his courage and perserverance, the ability to step out despite having a physical disability. you applaud and respect him for he's outwin every normal human being.
putting myself in his shoes, i wonder if i ever will haf the courage to do what he did. tidying up the mess in my rm, gettin out of bed, those little and insignificant things already takes me ages due to the laziness and procrastination. what's more accomplishing what he did. it links to another issue bout cherishing and happiness. i bet he leads a fulfilling life despite having lost the sense of sight.
will those stars in the sky shine forever?or will they jus sparkle for a while and disappear? lost it all; gotta find them back. step by stepbit by bit. ; behind those smilesi dun detest you; i despise u
Thursday, September 07, 2006 Y 12:02 AM
quit being childish
what's with u adults has nothing to do with us kids.
lky u can hatred on for a lifetime, it'll only make u more miserable.
u abhor doesn mean tt we haf to follow suit.
; insanity.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006 Y 12:36 PM
its been sometime since i update this blog eh. reason being either i lost tt momentum in a few seconds or i cant think of sumthing concrete to blog bout. let's see. yesterday beena sibling/family gathering i supposed. went to watch barnyard and shopped around with my siblings. bro was vexed cos either what he wanted didn haf his size if nt they dun catch an eye. tt's the prob with slimming down? but at least he looks real nice now. at least to me. =)
barnyard's a comedy and its nice. in the midst of its little entertainment tt never fails to create laughter, there are touching scenes that make u reflect and link to life, pondering bout the bits and pieces tt shd haf been done.
afterwhich, mum took us to this restaurant to eat. my sis and i are one of a kind. haven the slightest idea what tastes gd and what taste nt, so long as it satisfies us, i guess tt's all tt matters. aint all food of tt same purpose?
past two nites have been pondering and more pondering. perhaps when u cant figure an answer out no matter how hard u squeeze those brain juices, its best leaving things as it is, for things might unfold by itself. think winsor, tt's the application if nt u'll only be having more and more sleepless nites. =)
sometimes i wonder if its gd to have nothing around for u to do, then u can idle ur time around, slacking but it only means more opportunities to think and letting ur imagination go wild. thus perhaps its much better to hang out, capturing much more beautiful memories tt's gonna last a lifetime. if nt, jus sleep ur way thru to make up for those lost siesta during sch days.
out of the blue, im wondering, what's tt mindmap doing in the hols, perhaps he's getting ready for family law. haha. he's one amusing fellow. and my dearest miss ice. ive been waiting for ur date. =)